My Mind Dumps.

  • Uneventful Trip

    Well I was sure there was something wrong this morning as I did not have any close calls or people trying to kill me on the road today. Thanks is always good

  • New Laptop

    I have eventually been able to get a 64bit laptop. Which means I will be able to package for Foresight Linux, Rpath and the Bongo Project again. I feel I have been neglecting all my projects somewhat, hopefully when it arrives I will be able to package some great apps.

  • Drug Busting

    If any of the Metropolitan police officers would like to increase their arrest numbers for the month why don’t you drive in to London on the M1 at rush our. Your nose will lead you to a number of smokey cars and DUI’s.

  • New Bongo Live CD forum

    We have now created a forum for the LiveCd so you can use that the IRC channel or the bongo-users mailing list for getting help with it. The Forum can be found here

  • Live CD Wiki Page

    I have finished the Live CD wiki page and I thought I would put it out there for you guys to have a look at and comment on. You can find a direct link here I have added images and some help text. This page is aimed at a person who just wants to…

  • The Snake and I

    This will be my platform to talk about my daily commute in to work on my Honda Transalp 650. So expect some rants and some funny stories as things go.

  • Positive Thoughts

    You all know I have been a very pessimistic South African for a very long time and well I had my reasons for being like that. This morning I received a e-mail from someone I know who sent me a link to this site. And also 2 links to some stories on the site…

  • Vmware Workstation on Foresight 2

    Well I have been able to get vmware running on Foresight 2 it was a bit of a mission as since Vmware have opensourced their vmware tools the foresight developers have built the tools into the kernel by default. The problem is that when you try to install vmware workstation or vmware player they would…

  • So I migrated my Desktop

    So I migrated my desktop to Foresight Linux v 2 It has been a bit of a bumpy ride mainly due to me being a newbie and the fact that FL:2 is still very new to market. I will see how things go and keep you updated.

  • Bongo Appliance 0.3.0 Release

    The much awaited release of Bongo M3 has arrived. Bongo Appliance Virtual Machines and install ISO’s can be downloaded from the RBuilder Website If you already have an appliance running all you have to do is run your system updates through the web interface on your appliance https://applianceIPorName:8003 then restart the appliance