My Mind Dumps.

  • Back in business

    Back in business I have been taking time to study for a certification exam. I have now finished this and can dedicate more time to Bongo. My next two projects are to see how to create the bongo torrent again and also to work on some suggestions made about the BongoDemo Vitrual Machine So that…

  • Bongo Demo VM

    I have now created the Bongo demo virtual machine. I was going to use an rpath installation but that has proved to much for me to take on board at the moment. I will look into that at a later date. I have also created a torrent file and website for the Bongo demo server,…

  • First of many

    I thought I would start by explaining how I came to be using Bongo I started using Bongo when it was still called NIMS and was part of the beta test on that one. When it was released I bought a red box version and installed it on a server that I was hosting on…