Category: Main

  • Multi-Cloud DNS delegated Sub domain with Terraform Cloud

    DNS in a multi-cloud world As companies transition to multi-cloud deployments, creating a common way to deploy solutions has become a requirement, this is also easily achieved by using Terraform to create your immutable infrastructure. The challenge you face is that the infrastructure in a cloud deployment is dynamic in nature and so you can’t…

  • Setting up GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS for Terraform Cloud

    The getting stared guides for using Terraform with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) All suggest using code like this to provide credentials  // Configure the Google Cloud provider provider “google” {  credentials = “${file(“CREDENTIALS_FILE.json”)}”  project     = “flask-app-211918”  region      = “us-west1” } This works well when you are just learning Terraform. Once you…

  • Meteor User Seed

    I have been trying to build a site with Meteor and have slowly started getting stuff working. One of the ways to populate your development data has been with database seeding. I wanted to link a user account with a document in one of my collections so I worked this out from the documentation. You…

  • Great Script to tidy Up our Photos

    I was looking for a way to tidy up out photos on the NAS at home and have tried a number of things that just did not fit the bill. they were either just to difficult or completely wrong. i then stumbled upon this blog post What a gem. if you can install ruby…

  • Quest NDS Migrator LogFile Parser

    I am currently helping a customer migrate from Novell to Microsoft and they are using the Quest migrator product to move their data to new DFS servers. They currently have a large amount of data stored on a number of volumes. The sheer number of volumes and data have required that they deploy a large…

  • Bongo Admin UI Images

    I have uploaded some images of the new UI so you can see what it looks like without installing it. Please let me know what you think.      

  • Building the new Bongo Admin UI

    A while ago Alex (so_solid_moo to the IRC channel) created a php binding for the Bongo API. He also created the start of the new UI that we are working towards. We started with the admin ui for now as we have created a user interface with the roundcube project that Alex also integrated with.…

  • How to copy custom attributes when migrating vmware vcenter to new database

    I recently had to move hosts and guests to a new vcenter server as the old server had become corrupt and full of issues. The current vcenter has a few custom attributes and notes that would not be transferred as part of the move. So I wanted to use powercli to read the attributes out…

  • Creating a Two Node Mysql Cluster On Ubuntu With DRBD Part 2

    This blog is a follow on from a blog post I wrote ages ago and have eventually got round to finishing it off

  • ESX Trunk VLAN config for Storage

    I was struggeling with an install of ESXi on a cisco 6509 switch where the management and VM LAN connectivity worked just fine but for some reason the SAN NFS VLAN just did not want to communicate with the Nexenta on that VLAn. After some searching and trial and error I was able to utilise…